Just One More Chapter

Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light. 

-Vera Nazarian


I'm just trying to light up the world as much as I can one SciFi/paranormal/fantasy/space opera/time travel book at a time. 


The Night House

The Night House - J. C. McKenzie

Talk about addictive!! I picked this up and couldn't put it down until the very last tantalizing word. I inhaled this book in one sitting. I'm here, eyes burning from lack of sleep, throat sore from hours of disuse and poor hydration, wishing for more. There was Magic, court intrigue and Action. There was a swoon worthy slow burn. There were minor sexy time moments but mostly there was a need to read on, to live inside this world a moment longer. The world building was great and the character development even better. The pacing was intense and the action fierce. There was a butt kicking, wise ass heroine that you can really get behind and then there's Thane..... oh man is there Thane!! He was Yummmmy with a capital Y! He might have come off as too perfect though because no man can know the most elegantly perfect thing to say at the exact right moment... or at least no man I've met on this side of the pages. I was given a copy of this book but I honestly would have happily bought it. The only things that could have improved the experience were to have it be longer and to have more Thane... MUCH more Thane!!


Over all: I loved it!! I loved every second of this book and wished/craved/needed more! I'm sorry it ended and enjoyed every glorious moment in seclusion, immersed in this world.


*** I was given a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***